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Introduction: Unpacking the AI phenomenon

In the digital era we live in, the buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) is both fascinating and inescapable. Just as understanding fire or electricity revolutionised our lives, unravelling the mystery of AI holds the potential to transform societies in unprecedented ways.

Learning about AI has thus become critical, as it plays a significant role in all sectors, from healthcare to entertainment. This guide unravels how to learn AI from scratch to mastery, providing the steps necessary to navigate your journey in this promising yet complex realm.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence concerns itself with cognitive problems usually associated with human intelligence. This means it handles tasks such as learning, pattern recognition, and problem-solving with a machine efficiency that sometimes exceeds human capability.

AI has permeated almost every aspect of our lives. For instance, it's the brain behind our route predictions on Google Maps or the voice that answers from our smart assistants like Siri and Alexa. Some other everyday AI applications include:

- Social Media Algorithms: AI helps personalize your feed based on your online activity.

- Voice Recognition: AI technologies help in transcribing speech into written text.

- Recommendation Engines: Platforms like Netflix and Amazon use AI to recommend shows or products based on past usage and preferences.

Different types of Artificial Intelligence

Broadly, AI can be classified into two types:

  1. Narrow AI, which is designed to perform a specific task such as voice recognition
  2. General AI, which can perform any intellectual task that a human being can do.

While we have made leaps and bounds in narrow AI, general AI still remains largely unchartered territory.

Understanding the connection: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Deep Learning

Do you find yourself struggling to differentiate between these buzzwords? Here's the breakdown:

  • AI is the broadest concept, aiming to build intelligent machines.
  • Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI where machines learn from data without being explicitly programmed.
  • Further, Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning, where neural networks mimic the human brain to find patterns and make decisions.
  • Lastly, Data Science incorporates AI and ML methods but also involves other disciplines to gather insights from data.

To learn AI effectively, a comprehensive understanding of these interconnections is crucial.

Bridging AI and human intelligence: Unsupervised and reinforcement learning

Unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning are two key domains within AI and machine learning that seek to emulate aspects of human intelligence.

Unsupervised learning involves training algorithms on unlabeled data to identify patterns and structures independently, mirroring how humans often learn by observing the world around them without explicit guidance.

On the other hand, reinforcement learning draws inspiration from behavioural psychology, as it revolves around training agents to make sequential decisions through trial and error, much like humans adapt and improve their actions based on feedback.

Both paradigms contribute to the broader goal of achieving artificial intelligence that exhibits a level of adaptability and learning akin to human cognition. While human intelligence remains a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, advancements in unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning are bridging the gap between AI systems and human-like learning capabilities.

Throughout this guide on how to learn AI, you will come across these terms and more, aiming to demystify the exciting field of AI for the beginner enthusiast. At IU International University of applied science [1], we prepare you to dive head-first into these emerging areas with our wide range of AI-focused degree programmes. Stay tuned to learn about them!


The rising significance of Learning Artificial Intelligence

Today, understanding artificial intelligence is not just a trendy skill, but a necessary one. From personalised marketing campaigns to advanced analytics tools, AI has become an essential part of the business scenario.

Why should you learn AI now?

Before we go in-depth into the nitty-gritty of AI, let's understand why learning AI is a pressing matter:

Global Impact:

AI has the potential to reshape our world, with sectors like healthcare, education, and finance already incorporating AI strategies. It is a driving force in the shift towards a more digitized future.

Job Opportunities:

The demand for AI specialists is rapidly growing, with a plethora of roles such as data scientists, machine learning engineers, or AI architects. There's a projected 46% growth in AI job openings by 2023 [2].

Check out our AI Career roadmap for more information!

Competitive Advantage:

Mastery over AI not only opens up a wide range of roles but also gives you a competitive edge in your current job.

AI: A high-paying and fast-growing field

AI professionals are some of the highest-paid individuals in the tech industry with an average salary of $120,273 per year [3]. The salaries can range even higher depending on expertise and experience.

The intellectual challenge offered by AI

AI is a rapidly growing field that offers the fascinating challenge of solving complex problems and the opportunity to be at the forefront of technological innovation. AI professionals get to build technologies that can change the way we function, offering a highly satisfying career.

How IU’s AI degrees prepare you for a future in AI

At IU, our AI degrees focus on delivering practical, hands-on learning experiences. You'll learn about applying AI in various sectors, work on real-life projects, and be nurtured by a team of experienced faculty. Our degrees in applied artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, and MBA in artificial intelligence are tailor-made for both beginners and advanced learners, ensuring a complete how-to-learn AI journey.

How long does it take to learn AI?

Many prospective learners often ask the question: "How long does it take to learn AI?" The answer isn't one-size-fits-all. It depends on various factors, including:

For someone with foundational knowledge in mathematics and programming, it could take anywhere from 6 to 12 months of consistent study to develop an understanding of Artificial Intelligence basics and get comfortable with Machine Learning processes. A deeper, more specialised knowledge in different AI branches like Neural Networks or Reinforcement Learning can add another 6 to 12 months.

Understanding that how to study Artificial Intelligence varies from person to person, the bachelor and master programs offered by IU are specifically designed to cater to individual learning paths. Our program structure takes into account your pre-existing knowledge and experience, helping you master AI at your own pace.

Remember, mastering AI is not a race, it's a marathon. The key isn't just to learn fast, but to learn thoroughly. So, start small, build a b foundation, and keep expanding your knowledge base. This gradual climb not only makes the journey more manageable but also more enjoyable.


How to learn AI for beginners

As with any vast subject, the thought of learning AI can seem overwhelming at first. It comprises several diverse fields, each as important as the other. However, the process becomes easier once you break it down into manageable chunks.

How to Learn AI Step 1: Mastering the prerequisite skills

Embarking on the journey to master AI begins by fortifying the basic building blocks - Statistics, Mathematics, Programming, and understanding Data Structures. These key skill sets act as stepping stones propelling you towards proficiency in AI.


Statistics forms the backbone of Machine Learning, a pivotal subset of Artificial Intelligence. By understanding statistical measures, distributions, and concepts like standard deviation or variance, you would guide AI systems in drawing inferences from data.


To thoroughly grasp the functioning and execution of Machine Learning algorithms in AI, a solid foundation in certain areas of math like linear algebra, calculus, probability theory, and optimization methods is essential. These facilitate critical tasks of navigating through arrays effectively, performing complex computations, understanding randomness and irregularities in data and, ultimately, optimizing Machine Learning models for better artificial intelligence functions.

Core Skill: Programming

Machine Learning processes are brought to life through programming. Hence, understanding and learning to code is critical in learning AI.


Owing to its simplified syntax and an extensive assortment of libraries expressly designed for data analysis and Machine Learning, Python is frequently the go-to language for AI. Python is a powerful yet beginner-friendly language that aids in effectively implementing Machine Learning models.


Predominantly employed in Data Science, R is another language that supports performing statistical functions and creating engaging data visualizations. Although it has a learning curve steeper than Python, it is worth the investment for enthusiasts looking to dwell deep into AI and Data Science.

Java or C++:

While Python and R have their strengths, languages like Java and C++ provide efficient low-level machine control making them desirable when building scalable Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence models.

Fundamental concepts: Data structures and manipulation

Understanding data structures is another cornerstone of AI learning. Knowledge of organized data in optimal ways like arrays, stacks, or trees is required. Coupling this with the ability to manipulate this data to perform desired actions forms the basis of creating complex Machine Learning algorithms and subsequently helping AI models make sense of data.

How to Learn AI Step 2: Developing specialist AI skills

Once you have a b foundation of the basics, the next step in learning AI involves diving into specialized AI fields and tools.

The Importance of data science in AI

The role of Data Science in the realm of AI is of paramount importance as it serves as the linchpin for unravelling the potential locked within massive datasets crucial for AI's functioning. A proficient data scientist toolkit encompasses data preprocessing expertise, adeptness in statistical testing, and adept data visualization skills collectively empower them to navigate the intricate process of refining and interpreting data. This enables a data scientist to extract meaningful insights, identify patterns, and uncover trends that are essential for AI systems to operate effectively.

Without Data Science's meticulous attention to data refinement and analysis, the foundational pillars of AI would remain shaky and incomplete.

The role of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in AI

Within the expansive domain of artificial intelligence (AI), the pivotal roles played by Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) stand as indispensable cornerstones. These two interconnected disciplines serve as the dynamic engines propelling AI's evolution from theoretical concepts to practical reality. Machine Learning, with its ability to equip systems with the capacity to learn and improve from experience, forms the bedrock upon which AI systems make informed decisions and predictions.

Meanwhile, Deep Learning, a subset of ML, leverages neural networks to simulate the intricate web of human cognition, enabling AI models to automatically discover intricate patterns and features within data that might elude traditional programming paradigms.

Together, Machine Learning and Deep Learning infuse AI with the prowess to adapt, learn, and even emulate human intelligence, underpinning the transformative potential that AI holds across diverse industries and facets of modern life.

How to Learn AI Step 3: Familiarize yourself with essential AI tools and packages

Having a b theoretical understanding of how AI works is beneficial, but applying that knowledge practically is imperative. This understanding is developed through using AI tools and packages.

An overview: Top Python AI tools and packages

Python, being the most popular language for AI, offers extensive libraries and tools which simplify various AI processes. Here are some essential ones that you'll need when figuring out how to learn artificial intelligence:

The significance of Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-Learn


A software tool ideal for data manipulation and analysis in Python. It provides robust data structures for efficiently storing and manipulating data, which is essential for any AI practitioner.


A Python library used for working with arrays. It also has functions for working in the domain of linear algebra, Fourier transform, and matrices.


This library brings ML into play. It features various algorithms like support vector machines, random forests, and k-neighbours, and it also supports Python numerical and scientific libraries like NumPy and SciPy.

The power of PyTorch and Keras


This library provides maximum flexibility and speed in building Machine Learning and deep learning models and is primarily used in Natural Language Processing in AI.


A user-friendly neural network library written in Python. It's perfect for newbie learners as it is easy to use and understand.

All of the above tools and steps, along with intentional practice and consistent learning, are the best route to mastering AI. Start with basic foundations, and then gradually move on to more complex projects and advanced tools. Enjoy the journey!

Road map: An AI learning plan

Embarking on the journey to study AI can feel like navigating an unfamiliar terrain. Here is an indicative learning plan to start on the right foot.

The start: Month 1-3 - Basics of mathematics, programming, data structures and manipulation

Recommended Resources & Projects to Jumpstart Your AI Journey

  • Use online platforms like Khan Academy or Coursera to solidify your basics in mathematics and statistics.
  • Learn Python with platforms like Codecademy or LeetCode and apply your skills to solve simple programming tasks.
  • Explore basic Data Structures on GeeksforGeeks.

Moving ahead: Month 4-6 - Immersion into AI and Machine Learning

Advanced Resources & Projects for Developing AI Skills

  • Understand Machine Learning concepts on platforms like Andrew Ng’s course on Coursera.
  • Get hands-on with Machine Learning and work on mini-projects using Scikit-learn.
  • Start learning the basics of Deep Learning with an easy-to-use platform like Keras.

Deep dive: Month 7-9 - Specialization in advanced AI topics

Resources & Projects to Master Advanced AI Topics

  • Advance your Deep Learning skills using libraries like PyTorch.
  • Walk-through advanced AI projects such as image recognition or natural language processing.

Continuing the journey: Month 10-Ongoing - Constant learning and exploration

  • By now, you'd have a solid foundation to explore niche areas of AI that interest you, like Reinforcement Learning, Generative AI, among others.
  • Participate in global AI competitions and work on large-scale projects.
  • Keep up with the latest AI research through resources like arXiv or Kaggle.

Remember, going at your own pace will ensure a better understanding rather than a rushed learning experience. At IU, our curriculum preserves this pace, enabling you to grasp AI effectively, and with much more ease, through structured learning, while bearing in mind the how to learn AI for beginners aspect.


The IU Way: How our AI Degrees can accelerate your journey to learn AI

Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Artificial Intelligence

Dive into the fascinating world of AI with our online Bachelor in Applied Artificial Intelligence program. Tailored to arm you with crucial AI skills, this degree program transforms you into a problem solver capable of leveraging AI's power to tackle real-world issues. This curriculum offers you:

  • Broad-based coverage of key areas such as speech and image processing, machine learning, robotics, UI/UX, and software development.
  • Solid foundation in mathematics, statistics, and computer science, to infuse you with the knowledge to innovate in diverse sectors - from healthcare to autonomous vehicles.
  • Access to our groundbreaking AI teaching assistant, Syntea, to bolster your learning experience with instant answers and skill assessments.
  • Chance to step into coveted global roles including autonomous vehicle developer, smart factory specialist, and AR/VR innovator, among others.

Furthermore, IU's flexible online learning model and globally recognised accreditation establish this program as a stepping stone to thriving in the dynamic field of Applied AI.

Master’s Degree in Artificial Intelligence

Take your AI knowledge a notch higher with our online Master in Artificial Intelligence. Designed considering AI's transformative effect on society and businesses, this program exposes you to the core of machine learning and artificial intelligence. The program offers:

  • Concentration on both general and narrow AI, with the flexibility to specialize in areas such as computer-based language and image processing, smart manufacturing in Industry 4.0, or autonomous vehicles.
  • 100% online education format, providing accessibility and flexibility.
  • Opportunities to step into senior roles such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, AI Team Lead, or AI Interaction Designer.

MBA in Artificial Intelligence

As AI becomes a business staple, our online MBA program with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence prepares seasoned professionals to blend managerial wisdom with technology acuity to lead companies into the future. The program features:

As AI becomes a business staple, our online MBA program with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence prepares seasoned professionals to blend managerial wisdom with technology acuity to lead companies into the future. The program features:

  • A holistic blend of general management principles, socio-economic aspects of AI, neuroscientific perspectives, and hands-on work with AI tools.
  • Tools to navigate the complexities of integrating AI with human ingenuity and maintain a profitable, economically sustainable business model.
  • Globally-oriented, English-language instruction, and engaging live teaching sessions.

By completing this comprehensive curriculum, you'll be uniquely prepared to champion AI-led innovations in the business world.

By completing this comprehensive curriculum, you'll be uniquely prepared to champion AI-led innovations in the business world.


How to Learn AI effectively: Practical tips

Along with a structured learning plan and the right resources, some practical tips can make your journey in learning AI smoother.

1. Choosing your AI focus: Specialization vs Generalization

AI is large and vast. Speciality fields within the AI umbrella include Machine Learning, Robotics, Natural Language Data Processing, Computer Vision, and many more. It's advisable to obtain a broad understanding of AI, subsequently finding the niche that fascinates you the most. Specializing in a particular segment allows you to delve deeper and become an expert in that domain.

2. Starting your learning journey through projects

Integrating your theoretical knowledge with practical work generates the best learning outcomes. Start off with simple tasks such as applying an ML algorithm to a dataset, then slowly advance to more complex projects like building a recommendation system or creating a chatbot.

3. The power of community in AI learning

Engage with the AI community. Platforms such as GitHub, Stack Overflow, or Reddit provide immense scope for learning and collaboration. Participate in discussions, contribute to open projects, and absorb fresh ideas from peers.

4. The art of iterating and enhancing skills

Mastering AI requires patience and repetition. Don't hold back from revisiting topics. Enhance your skills by iterating over your projects and trying to improve them.

At IU, we understand that learning AI can be a challenging yet incredibly rewarding journey. This is why our courses incorporate these practical tips to ensure you gain a comprehensive and practical understanding of AI, irrespective of whether your goal is to learn artificial intelligence from scratch or enhance your pre-existing knowledge.

Additional methods to learn AI

In addition to structured courses and online tutorials, there are multiple other ways in which you can enhance your AI learning experience. Let's delve deeper into a few of them.

Top AI courses to supercharge your learning

There are many online courses available online that can help guide you through your AI learning journey. Some popular ones include:

Must-read AI books to learn AI for beginners and experts

There is no better friend than a book, and this holds true in understanding AI too. Here are a few must-reads:

Handy AI cheat sheets for quick reference

Cheat sheets can come in handy when you want to quickly glance over syntax, functions or algorithms. Some of the popular ones are:

Each of these additional resources can be beneficial to your goal of understanding how to learn AI. Remember that the journey may appear overwhelming at first, but with the right tools and guidance, you can navigate the challenges. The AI degrees offered by IU have been designed keeping these utilitarian requirements in mind, targeting b foundational learning enhanced by extensive practical exposure.


Harnessing AI tools for business

Today, AI is much more than an ambitious technological advancement. It is a force that is directly influencing the bottom line of businesses. Here, we will explore how businesses can harness AI tools effectively.

Understanding Generative AI

Generative AI models are a subset of AI that can create new content. They have practical applications in areas like creating custom logos, writing promotional content, designing websites, and much more. Such automated content generation powered by AI has the potential to revolutionize the creative process in businesses.

Applying AI Tools at work

AI data processing tools significantly enhance decision-making, automate mundane tasks, provide personalized experiences, and detect anomalies for swift action. From adopting chatbots for better user engagement and interaction to predictive models for business forecasting, there are countless ways to incorporate AI at work.

  • Enterprise Resource Planning: Automating data entry, creating reminders, and generating reports.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Predicting customer behaviour, automating customer interactions, and providing personalized offers.
  • Human Resources: Automating candidate sourcing, screening, and evaluating employee performance.

Importance of human oversight in AI implementation

Implementing AI tools should not distance human interaction from decision-making. Human oversight is critical to ensure that the AI systems' predictions are in alignment with the company's objectives and to supervise any potential ethical issues. Ensuring a human-in-the-loop system while incorporating AI is key to effectively aligning AI with business goals.

The MBA in Artificial Intelligence at IU is expertly designed to equip you with how to leverage AI tools for improving business processes, strategies, and decision-making. Along with a b AI curriculum, it provides a deeper understanding of how AI fits into the corporate landscape. Get a well-rounded perspective with IU's AI-focused degrees and master how to learn AI in real-world business contexts.


Your online AI learning journey begins here with IU!

Decoding the dynamism of artificial intelligence may seem like an intimidating journey, and rightly so. However, knowing where to start, what to learn, and how to apply your knowledge can make a substantial difference. But what makes an even more significant difference is having an ally on this journey who not only equips you with the right tools but also understands your unique needs and adapts to them.

This is where IU comes into play. At IU, we champion the future of education. Our learning model is 100% online, giving you the much-needed flexibility to learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home, a cafe, or on the go. Our aim is to make learning fit into your schedule, not the other way around. Find out more in the section about our online studies.

Master the path of how to learn AI in real-world business contexts with our AI-centric degrees today! Join us at IU and start experiencing the education of the future.

Happy learning!


Can I learn AI on my own?

Yes, you can learn AI development on your own, thanks to the vast amount of resources available online. Start with foundational topics such as machine learning, data science, and computer science. Practically apply what you learn in AI projects, available on platforms like Kaggle. Books like 'Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow' are also useful learning tools.

How hard is it to learn AI?

The difficulty of learning AI can vary depending on your background. If you have a b base in mathematics and computer science, diving into AI will be easier. Key domains include machine learning, data science, programming languages (like Python or R), and understanding AI algorithms. Patience and consistent learning are necessary when understanding complex AI concepts.

How can I self-study artificial intelligence for free?

There are numerous platforms available for self-studying AI:

  • MOOCs like Coursera and EdX offer AI courses from universities like Stanford and MIT.
  • Google's AI Hub and Microsoft’s AI School provide free tutorials on AI and machine learning.
  • Kaggle is an excellent platform for practical experience, hosting AI projects and competitions.
  • Blogs and YouTube channels regularly post about AI topics, providing up-to-date information.

Is it easy to learn artificial intelligence?

The ease of learning AI depends on your prior knowledge in computer science, data science, and proficiency in a programming language typically Python or R. An understanding of machine learning concepts and AI algorithms is essential. While it's not easy, breaking down your learning journey into manageable chunks will make the process smoother.

How to learn AI with Python?

Python is the most popular programming language for AI because of its simplicity and range of machine learning libraries. Start by mastering Python basics, then move on to libraries like TensorFlow and Scikit-learn. These facilitate machine learning tasks. For practical experience, work on AI projects available on open-source platforms.

How do I start artificial intelligence from scratch?

Start with a solid foundation in computer science and a b grip on a programming language, preferably Python. Next, learn basic algorithms followed by machine learning and data science principles. Apply theoretical knowledge through AI projects. Websites like Kaggle and GitHub offer numerous projects for beginners.

What is machine learning in artificial intelligence?

Machine learning is a fundamental part of AI, enabling computers to learn from data. It uses algorithms to analyze data, learn from it, and then make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task.

Does artificial intelligence require coding?

Yes, coding is critical in AI, especially for designing AI algorithms and systems. Proficiency in a programming language like Python, Java, or R is essential. It helps in implementing machine learning models, statistical analysis, and data visualization.

How to start machine learning?

To start machine learning, you need:

  • Basic understanding of computer science.
  • Knowledge of a programming language, preferably Python.
  • b mathematical foundation, specifically in statistics.
  • Understanding of machine learning algorithms.

Begin with online courses, proceed to books for in-depth understanding, and apply theory in practical AI projects.

What should I study for artificial intelligence?

For artificial intelligence, you should study:

  • Computer Science: Get fundamentals right.
  • Programming Language: learn Python or Java, for implementing AI algorithms.
  • Mathematics: Especially statistics, probability, and calculus.
  • Machine Learning: Understanding how machines learn from data is critical.
  • AI Projects: Apply your knowledge and skills in real projects for better understanding and experience.

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